The Eagles

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Why I like To Eat Dim Sum

Dim sum, such as meat, seafood, vegetables, desserts and fruit, are usually served in a small steamer basket or on a small plate in the mornings until noon time at Chinese restaurants.

I'm a big fan of dim sum. It’s quite easy to find reasons. First, Dim sum is a Cantonese regional speciality. I happened to grow up Cantonese area. So I have eaten dim sum freqently since I was a little girl. Actually, I’ve tried a variety of dim sum.

Furthermore, Dim sum is appetizing and tasty. Lotus wrapped sticky rice, shrimp dumplings, steamed chicken claws and so on, all these dishes are good in color, flavor and taste at the same time. And every time, I never miss the opportunity to sample my favorite food as much as possible.

In addition, Dim sum is a delicious culinary adventure. Most restaurants offer over 100 different kind of food, and these small dishes are often inexpensive, which gives people an incentive to try new things.

In conclusion, Dim sum is my favorite dish. Please sample a variety of intriguing tastes and flavors, because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes!!!!!! Dim Sum, bring it on sister, Dim Sum that stuff is good, Dim Sum I hope to have Dim Sum soon, is being a long time.......

  3. Dim Sum, I love dim sum too. There are varity choice to make over 100 different kinds of food. It's fun though to try new food.
